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Acceptance into the Academies Program provides the following benefits:


  • New members will be invited to a Kickoff Installation Dinner where he/she will receive:

    • a Certificate of Membership

    • an Amherst Academies T-shirt

  •  Opportunities to interact with members of our advisory board in business social events

  •  Business competitive event training & performance feedback within your academy program

  •  Leadership training, guest speakers, field trips, job shadows / preferred internship opportunities

  •  Top-notch preparation for the historical #1 college major all across America - "Business"

  • College credit (Advanced Studies & NOCTI industry exam - up to 12 credit hours available)

  •  With accrued college credits, the opportunity to register for courses earlier as a sophomore allowing you to be more selective in course offerings, times, and professors

  •  Workplace Employability Profile: demonstrates workplace competency for college placement employment programs and other employers

  •  A distinguishing Amherst Academies Cord for graduation

  •  If successfully passing the NOCTI exam:  CTE Technical endorsement on high school diploma




Don't be on the outside looking in:

 Graduate with distinction 

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