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Technical Endorsement FAQ




What is technical endorsement?


Career and Technical Education (CTE) Technical Endorsement is an enhancement on a student’s high school diploma in the form of a New York State Education Department seal indicating that a student has completed coursework in a state approved CTE program along with the requirements for technical endorsement.


Why should I try to earn technical endorsement?


Students who earn technical endorsement prove that they have met the rigorous academic and industry standards of a state approved career and technical education program. The endorsement is recognized by employers in the program field as well as colleges and industries across the United States.


What are the requirements for technical endorsement?


The requirements for receiving technical endorsement are completing a state approved career and technical education program, completion of a minimum of 22 units of credit, earn a passing grade on 5 required Regents examinations or approved alternatives, successful completion of a 3-part technical assessment (written, demonstration, and project components), participation in work-based learning experiences, and the completion of a work-skills employability profile.


What are the components of the technical assessment?


The technical assessment is an industry recognized standardized assessment/ certification exam which includes both written and demonstration components. Some examples of the assessment exams are the NOCTI, NATEF, ASE, MOS, NCCER and SkillsUSA. The Amherst Academies assess using the YouScience & NOCTI written and performance exams.


What is work-based learning?


Work-based learning is a term used to identify activities and experiences where students, employers, and/or members of the community work together to provide structured learning experiences for students. Work-based learning takes place through a variety of activities such as internships, guest speakers, job shadowing, work-site visits, and community service.


What about the work-skills employability profile?


Instructors in each state approved career and technical education program will complete an employability profile for each student indicating the technical and employability skills that a student has demonstrated.


So what does the technical endorsement seal look like?




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